Remember how I was going to document my diet and exercise program to try and get in shape for the beach? Well, that didn’t work out.
The first few weeks I wasn’t motivated. Then I was super motivated and was doing great! I was running every day, consistently meeting my step goal, eating well and going to yoga. I felt really good. And then I got bronchitis coupled with a sinus infection and double ear infection. Oof. I could barely walk, much less exercise. 6 weeks and 2 rounds of antibiotics (and several thousand oz of water through the Neti pot) and I’m still not feeling right.
But you know what? Once I got to the beach it didn’t matter. I built sand castles. I held my boys in the waves. I swam in the pool. I dug for mole crabs. I even carried those two fat toddlers across the cactus patch AT THE SAME TIME! My body was strong. My body was capable. My body was perfect.
It jiggles in some places that used to be solid. It’s not shaped the same way that it was before I had kids. It’s different than it used to be. But I’m different than I used to be. My priorities are different. My expectations of myself, and my body, are different. And now I’m going to make my mindset different.
I’m going to try to keep running because it made me feel good (not during – after). I’m going to keep going to yoga whenever I can despite my diastasis recti, because it centers me. I’m going to keep eating well because I want to be healthy and set a good example for my children. And I’m going to keep in mind the gentle admonishment from my old friend Nancy – every body is beach body when it’s on the beach.