Are you trying to come up with a cute (but not too cute) and funny (but not too funny) way to announce your twin pregnancy? It’s hard to come up with something new and original.
You’ve got the buns in the oven (there’s two!) and the super cute line up of shoes with the announcement of “We’ve grown by 4 feet!”. And then there’s the “Dad + Mom = 4!” and the sonograms of the babies with light sabers Photoshopped in. To be honest I really do love them all! I spent forever on Pinterest looking for inspiration but in the end we decided to go with some good old fashion bathroom humor. It fits our style.
(The thing that you don’t see is that I actually did have terrible morning sickness and the act of leaning over the toilet…well it was a good thing he was holding my hair!)
What did you do to announce your twin pregnancy?