Hello again and thanks for following along! This week we’re covering S, T and U!
Today was “S” day. Ate sausage and scrambled eggs , did subtraction, spelling and sight words, practiced our Spanish (counting, colors and household objects) and found a snake on our hike through the swamp.
Drink of the day – Sangria!

“T” day! Ate toast, explored tectonics and the parts of the body that start with T (like teeth and tongue
). Learned about Japanese
printmaker Hiroyuki Tajima and used his work as inspiration for our art.
We also watched civil rights Brain Pop videos and talked about equity, racism and MLK. None of that starts with T, but conversations about justice and equality can’t wait. Going to work on telling time
later this afternoon.
Drink of the day – Tequila!

“U” day was tough, so we went with an Under the Sea theme. We learned about urchins & watched videos about sea creatures. Then we made sea animals out of modeling clay & colored a seascape. And the usual sight & spelling words, etc.
Drink of the day – Undercover Mink!

See you next week for V, W and X!