Today we’ll talk about using the letters G, H and I to guide our homeschooling activities!
Today’s letter is “G”. We had green apples for breakfast (they passed on the Greek yogurt), looked at the globe and learned about glaciers and GPS in Greenland. Here’s a great video from UNAVCO that I narrated about how we use GPS to study glaciers. We also talked about geology (plate tectonics), and watched some cool videos from IRIS about the history of plate tectonics and the different types of plate boundaries. And of course we did our spelling words and Sight Words and worked on our ABC Mouse assessments.
Drink of the day – Gin and Tonic!

Today’s letter is “H”. We ate Honeynut Cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats for breakfast, and learned about hotspots and Hawaii. We watched this short video and then drew the basic “plumbing” of a volcanic island. We got on our spelling tests and practiced skip counting by 5’s and 10’s on the trampoline.
Drink of the day – Hurricane!

Today is “I” day. Ate instant oatmeal and ice water, learned about Iceland and found it on the world map and the globe, found all the states that start with I on the US map (Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho), did spelling and sight words, made cards for their aunts birthday (and also kind of Halloween?) and played ABC Mouse and Dreambox. One kid is already sneaking magazines during class.
Drink of the day – Irish coffee!

Stay tuned for J, K and L, and to start at the beginning of the alphabet go here!